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Research and restoration work

Restoration Center is aimed at systematic study of new technologies in the field of restoration work on different types of materials and objects, including work with new materials, are seeking ways to find optimal solutions for the restoration. It should be noted, that it is thanks to the efforts of the artists – restorers exhibits, with the status of artifacts avoid oblivion and find their recognized place in exhibitions.

Museum items from receipt are constantly under the supervision of conservators. In the restoration workshops have been restored unique jewelry – pectorals – alka (silver, coral, turquoise, late 19th century), tumarsha (first half of the last century), chirag (ceramic lamp of hand molding, 10-12th century), and weapons, various rare and valuable archaeological finds. Restoration Center performs particularly complex conservation of artifacts found in archaeological expeditions that have a unique and historic value. During 2014 we have been a large number of conservation of archaeological artifacts from bronze, copper casting, forging (10-8th century BC, Southern Kazakhstan), ceramics, fragments, late stage of the Bronze Age (XII-IX century Myrzhyk burial).

Плошка-чашка. Бронза, литье, ковка. Х-VIII в. до н.э.

Консервацияланғанға дейін

Консервацияланғаннан кейін

In turn, the restorers take into account the scientific interests of archaeologists, they do everything possible to treatment and conservation has not prevented the further study of material as a full-fledged historical source.

Paintings, watercolors, graphic drawings, documents and manuscripts of 20-30s – credentials, and certificates were restored.

Many paintings of A. Kasteev – “Muslim boy’s circumcision” 1913, “Amangeldy with a troop” 1944, N. Khludov – “Young hunters” 1913, “Harvest” 1920, “Mother nursing baby” 1907 and the work of other famous artists were restored. Works on military subjects, timed to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War are also restored. This is a series of unique graphics and watercolor paintings of painter N.V. Tsivchinski 1942 “The head of a dead German”, “Skeleton in the ravine”, “Captured German”. A large number of carpet-felt products of Pavlodar region, the middle of the 20th century were renovated and restored. East – Kazakhstan, 1950, Aktobe region, middle of 20th century, 1983 (syrmak, pile carpets, alasha, tuskiiz). Complete restoration (dusting, cleaning, fixing of departed cords, cuts, filling holes), of exhibits restoration and preservation are carried out.