Последние новости

Our partners

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan is developing scientific and cultural cooperation with museums, research, educational and cultural institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan of near and far abroad. Currently, partners of the CSM RK are:

  • Scientific organizations and foreign country museums

CSM RK develops scientific cooperation with museums, research, educational and cultural institutions of far and near abroad.

(See section “International Cooperation”)

  • Academic research organizations and universities

Museum, performing research and design activities closely cooperate with research organizations and university (see Section “Organization of scientific activity”)

  • International organizations and diplomatic corps

UNDP, UNESCO Cluster Office in Almaty, British Council in Kazakhstan, European Commission in Kazakhstan, TURKSOY, ISESCO, the Goethe Institute, Embassies and Consulates of Japan, Iran, Germany, Hungary, Korea, China, Kazakhstan-Japan Center for Human Resources, Turkuaz Group of Companies.

  • Universities, colleges and the creative community

Higher Education: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, AbaiKazakh National Pedagogical University, Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical Institute, University of Foreign Languages and Business Career, S.Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, T.Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts,Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, Academy of Fashion Business “Symbat”, Almaty branch of the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University, Trade Unions

College: Economics and Law, Information technology, Services and Technologies, Zhurgenov College. O.Tansykbaev College of arts and crafts, Economics and Law, International College, Construction and management, Almaty Teachers College.

Creative associations: the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan, Public Education Fund “Open School”, Center for arts and crafts “Bakhyt”, Company “Creative Seasons”, Exhibition Company «A-Expo», JSC “Kazakh film” named after Shaken Aimanov, Humanitarian Fund “Degdar”.

  • Media partners of the museum

Channels: TRK “Khabar» / «Kazak-TV»,  “Kazakhstan”, “ТАҢ”, “Astana”, “Almaty”, “Channel 31st”, “МИР”.

Radio: “Қазақ Радиосы” (Kazakh radio), “Азаттық”, “Radio Classic».

Newspapers: “Егемен Қазақстан” (Independent Kazakhstan), “Казахстанская правда”, “Алматы ақшамы”, “Evening Almaty”, “Turkistan”, «Central Asia Monitor», «Мегаполис», “Time”, «Үшқоңыр», «Литер», «Айқын», «Аргументы и факты», «Новое  поколение», «Экспресс К», «Панорама».

Magazine: “Dostyk”, “TV week”, “Center for applied art”, “Open School”.

News agencies: Kazinform, Afisha.kz, Internews KZ, KazTAG, Zakon.kz, Almatylife, Nur.kz, «Mеломан», e-history.kz, Bnews.kz, TOTAL.KZ, freetime, ARTTUBE, GAZETA.KZ ,ARTparavoz.